Friday, August 8, 2008

Firefox 3 Digg Extension Released

Bookmarking site Digg has released an extension for Firefox 3.

Some of the new features that this extension contains are:

- Notifications: No matter where you are on the web, you can discover popular Digg stories and stay up to date on what your friends are Digging, submitting and commenting. These notifications are fully customizable. Within your preferences you can track different categories and media types, and turn notifications on or off.

- Digg Toolbar: Displays Digg counts & comments as you browse around the web. You can also Digg and submit stories directly from the toolbar, which is collapsible to save space. The toolbar respects user privacy by passing only hashed URLs to Digg to check if they’ve already been submitted.

To install this extension click here.

Check out the video

Digg Firefox 3 Extension from Kevin Rose on Vimeo.


Bizztra Feed

Bizztra Feed