The new iPhone 3G is here and its available in Apple stores from this Friday so I thought why not find out some cool applications that goes quiet handy with iPhone.
- Truphone - This application allows you to make calls from your iphone over the internet.
The application owners claim that a user can make cheap international calls from their iPhones. The rates can be seen here. The other features includes no roaming charges, free calls to Truphone to Truphone. The user can even call anyone on GTalk. To make a call on GTalk all that is required is to enter a gmail id like in the Truphone app and dial it. Although the first time a Truphone user calls a Google Talk user, an invitation is sent that has to be accepted before regular calls can
be made. Once the invitation is accepted by the Google Talk user, calls can
be made when both users are online. - Loopt - Loopt recently announced a new version recently that was designed specifically for iPhone. Its a social mobile networking site where users can share their location photos and comments with their friends. The users can also share their recommendations for a restaurant, coffee joints or any such chill out places. In short Loopt enables users to broadcast their status to a broad set of services and find interesting locations and reviews nearby. The user can also update their status to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Loopt is available at the iPhone Apple store.
- iZoho - iZoho is to iPhone what MS Office is to Windows OS. There are three applications available currently in iZoho - Zoho Writer, Sheet and Show which lets you view your documents, spreadsheets and presentations in Zoho. Currently you can view and edit your documents, but you cannot edit your spreadsheets and presentations (I guess now you can edit spreadsheets and presentations, not sure about this though ). You can also create new documents and view your presentations in landscape mode.
- - Bugged of rising oil & gasoline prices? Try on iPhone. This application allows you to find the nearest and cheapest gas station, when you provide your zip code. Not only this, the application also provides Google Map View of the station you choose. can be downloaded from here.
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